Implemmentation of Industry E-Reporting System for Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions by Registrtaion Holders

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has launch the Industry e-reporting System for Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs). This new system, developed in collaboration with the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), aims to simplify and streamline the submission process for registration holders, including manufacturers and importers of therapeutic goods. The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), established under the Division of Pharmacy Services, will oversee this initiative to ensure the safety of therapeutic goods, in line with the Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022.

Since its inception, DRAP has been committed to promoting transparency and facilitating document submission through various tools. The new Industry e-Reporting System will allow registration holders to submit ICSRs via two modules: E2B XML submission and manual data entry for non-E2B pharmaceutical companies. Access to this system will be secure, with two accounts provided per registration holder.

Following a successful pilot project with a selected number of registration holders, DRAP is now extending the system’s scope to all registration holders. Starting from 8th November 2024, all future ICSRs must be submitted through this system. For further guidelines, please refer to the “Industry e-Reporting Manual for Registration Holders” available on the DRAP website.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the safety and efficacy of therapeutic goods in Pakistan.

National Pharmacovigilance Cell (NPC), DRAP released draft Guidelines on National Pharmacovigilance System (Edition 03) seeking comments from stakeholders

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has set up the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) in Islamabad to oversee the safety of medicinal products nationwide. The NPC collaborates with national and international entities to establish an effective pharmacovigilance system in Pakistan. Since 2018, Pakistan has been a full member of the World Health Organization Programme for International Drug Monitoring (WHO-PIDM) based at the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) in Sweden.

The NPC has developed a multi-channel reporting system, including electronic and manual reporting forms available through website and mobile applications for healthcare professionals and the public. The Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022, apply a legal obligation of all pharmacovigilance stakeholders to establish their system and report the pharmacovigilance data to NPC.

The 1st edition of these guidelines was drafted as per the draft Pharmacovigilance Rules and had chapters and sections for the guidance of healthcare professionals, patients and registration holders. Subsequently, the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) issued separate guidelines for the above pharmacovigilance stakeholders and also Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022 were officially notified vide S.R.O 540 (I)/2022 dated 22nd April 2022. Therefore, the NPC-issued 2nd edition of guidelines with the title “Guidelines on the National Pharmacovigilance System” which were prepared in line with Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022. All those sections /chapters for the guidance of the above stakeholders were removed and the WHO PV indicators were incorporated in Chapter 11 in the 2nd edition of the guideline. This 3rd edition of these guidelines has been drafted in light of WHO recommendations in the form of Institutional Development Plans (IDP) made during its assessment of the National Regulatory System of the DRAP. As per WHO recommendation and DRAP’s Authority decision, the PRAEC has now been given an advisory role in relation to signal management and risk assessment; whereas, the NPC has been mandated to perform signal management and risk assessment process and to make decisions in the context of risk minimization and recommendation of regulatory actions to concerned Boards and Committees of the DRAP.

These guidelines are uploaded on the official website of DRAP on the 16th of September, 2024 to seek comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft document. Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions within 15 days of uploading this document using the prescribed format. For further guidelines on submitting comments, visit the DRAP website or click here. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded via email to or can be posted at the mailing address, Director, Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, Prime Minister’s National Health Complex, Park Road, Islamabad.

DRAP Pharmacovigilance Newsletter-August 2024

The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) is excited to announce the release of the new edition of its Pharmacovigilance Newsletter!

This edition is filled with essential updates and insights for healthcare professionals, regulators, and registration holders. Key highlights include:

  • Launching of VigiMobile App in Urdu 
  • Strengthening Pharmacovigilance Systems in Public Health Programmes 
  • Pharmacovigilance Training Sessions for Healthcare Professionals
  • Highlights from the 4th Meeting of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Expert Committee (PRAEC) 
  • Latest Safety Alerts 

Stay informed and enhance your knowledge of medication safety to help minimize medication harm and ensure better patient outcomes

Series of Training on National Pharmacovigilance System for Registration holders (Manufacturers and Importers)

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has established the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) under the Division of Pharmacy Services. This initiative is aimed at ensuring the safety of therapeutic goods. With its endeavour, Pakistan became the 134th full member of the Programme for International Drug Monitoring (WHO-PIDM), Uppsala Monitoring Centre in 2018.

Subsequently, the DRAP notified Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022 which outline the roles and responsibilities of pharmacovigilance stakeholders, including registration holders of therapeutic goods. The DRAP has also developed Guidelines on Good Pharmacovigilance practices for registration holders that outline step-by-step guidelines on the establishment of pharmacovigilance systems in pharmaceutical companies. The NPC has dedicated tools in place for the collection of adverse drug reaction reports (ADRs) from pharmaceutical companies (registration holders) such as E2B XML submission through dedicated email, and hard copy submissions via mailing address

Despite the above efforts of DRAP, very few pharmaceutical companies have established their pharmacovigilance centres and nominated their qualified persons for pharmacovigilance. Implementing pharmacovigilance rules, 2022 and establishing an effective pharmacovigilance system by all stakeholders, including registration holders is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of medicines in Pakistan. This will reduce the risks associated with medications, thereby ensuring patient safety. This is why DRAP feels that there is a need to enhance the capacity of registration holders in respect to pharmacovigilance.

In this regard, the NPC, Division of Pharmacy Services, DRAP intends to conduct training of pharmaceutical companies (registration holders) on pharmacovigilance rules, guidelines and pharmacovigilance systems including collection and reporting of pharmacovigilance data. Three virtual training session will be conducted in the month of July 2024.

Guidelines on Standards for Establishment of Hospital Pharmacies is now open for comments.

Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan is seeking feedback on proposed guidelines for hospital pharmacies. These standards aim to ensure consistent, high-quality pharmacy services across all hospitals, ultimately benefiting patients and the healthcare system as a whole.

The guidelines cover four key areas:

  1. Hospital Pharmacy Operations which include aspects like organizational structure, staffing, resources, policies, and procedures for managing medications from procurement and storage to dispensing and monitoring.
  2. Medicine Use Management where the focus is on optimizing medication use within the hospital. This involves procedures for medication reconciliation, identifying potential issues, and implementing strategies to improve medication effectiveness and avoid medication-related harm.
  3. Quality Improvement with the believe in continuous improvement! These guidelines outline practices for assessing the effectiveness of hospital pharmacy services, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing corrective actions.
  4. Human Resources Development for ensuring a competent and skilled pharmacy workforce is crucial. The guidelines address training and development programs for all pharmacy personnel, from pharmacists to technicians.

DRAP invites you to review the proposed guidelines and share your thoughts and suggestions. Your input will be invaluable in shaping the final document and ensuring it reflects the needs and expectations of patients, healthcare professionals, and the community.

These guidelines were uploaded on the official website of DRAP on 12th of January, 2024 for seeking comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft document. Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions within 15 days of uploading this document using prescribed format. For further guidelines on how to submit comments visit DRAP website or click here. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded via email to, copying, or can be posted at mailing address, Director, Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, 3rd floor TF Complex, 7th Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad.

DRAP’s Pharmacovigilance Newsletter (December, 2023 ; Issue-II)

The Pharmacovigilance Newsletter is a quarterly publication that aims to inform and educate the healthcare professionals and the public about the importance of pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting. It also showcases the activities of the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) and initiatives taken by the NPC for monitoring and evaluating the safety of medicines in Pakistan.

We are pleased to announce that the second issue of the Pharmacovigilance Newsletter (Dec-2023) is now available for download from our website. This issue covers the latest updates on the safety of medicinal products and regulatory actions taken by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) and other international authorities.

We hope that you will find the newsletter informative and useful. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement. You can contact us at or call us at +92-51-9255980. Thank you for your interest and support in pharmacovigilance.

Together, we can ensure the safe and effective use of medicines in Pakistan.

DRAP Participating in International Med Safety Week 2023 Social Media Campaign

From 6 to 12 November, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) will take part in the global #MedSafetyWeek campaign, a collaboration involving more than 80 medicines regulatory agencies and several non-governmental organizations, to raise awareness about the importance of reporting side effects of medicines. With the theme ‘Who can report?’, this year’s campaign will focus on the key role of every patient, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist who reports a side effect and contributes to using medicines safely.

DRAP seek your support to enhance reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to ensure medicines on the market are acceptably safe.

Reports about side effects can be submitted easily through Med Safety App, DRAP med Vigilance e-reporting system or yellow reporting form.

For detail on how to report visit the link.


Play your part in medicines safety. Whether you’re a patient, doctor, nurse, or pharmacist, you can help make medicines safer by reporting side effects to National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP.

Through the #MedSafetyWeek campaign more than 80 countries will work together to improve the safety of medicines globally

All medicines agencies operate systems to detect and analyse side effects of medicines. The purpose of safety monitoring is to gain more information about known side effects and find out about new ones. Constantly collecting and monitoring information from the reports received helps identify risks associated with medicines and take action to minimise harm.

#MedSafetyWeek is an international campaign of Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC).

The campaign is supported by WHO and by members of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA)

DRAP emphasizes the importance of reporting side effects through Med Safety App, DRAP med Vigilance e-reporting system or yellow reporting form. All reports made to National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) DRAP will be thoroughly assessed and examined to determine the right steps to be taken to protect the population from harm. Since 2018, NPC DRAP has received and processed over 30,000 reports in which patients, carers, and healthcare professionals have played a key role

“Every report is important in building more knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks of medicines in clinical use and allows action to be taken to minimise risks.

“Reporting suspected side effects to the NPC DRAP helps to make medicines safer for patients all around the world. In some cases, it can result in better prescribing advice, which can improve patient outcomes.

“If you, or a patient you are supporting, experience a side effect with a medicine, make sure to report it to us promptly.”


National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP, Pakistan

The National Pharmacovigilance Center, DRAP urge the manufacturers and importers to nominate Pharmacovigilance Officer to ensure safe use of drugs.

Pharmacovigilance is the science and practice of monitoring the safety and efficacy of drugs, both before and after they are marketed. It is a vital aspect of ensuring public health and patient safety, as well as complying with regulatory requirements and ethical standards.

Pharmacovigilance officers are professionals who are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, and other potential safety issues. They also conduct risk assessments, implement risk management plans, and communicate with health authorities, health professionals, and patients.

The National Pharmacovigilance Centre at Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan urges the pharma industry to nominate or appoint pharmacovigilance officers for their products, as this will ensure the highest standards of quality and safety for their customers and patients. Pharmacovigilance is not only a legal obligation but also a social responsibility. Focusing on pharmacovigilance can enhance reputation, credibility, and competitiveness of a product in the global market.

According to the Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022, notified by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP), it is the legal obligation of the pharma industry to nominate or appoint a pharmacovigilance officer for products registered under the DRAP Act, 2012. The pharmacovigilance officer is required to perform the following duties:

  • To collect, record, and report adverse events and other safety data related to the product to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) within the specified time frame.
  • To conduct periodic safety update reports (PSURs) and risk-benefit assessments of the product and submit them to the NPC.
  • To implement risk management plans (RMPs) and risk minimization measures (RMMs) for the product as per the NPC’s recommendations.
  • To ensure compliance with the pharmacovigilance rules and guidelines issued by the NPC and DRAP.
  • To maintain pharmacovigilance records and documentation for at least 10 years.

“The NPC was established by DRAP in July 2022 under the Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022, with the aim to enhance the pharmacovigilance activities in the country . The NPC is responsible for collecting, analyzing, monitoring, and preventing adverse effects of therapeutic goods, as well as reviewing and assessing safety data, conducting risk evaluations, and communicating with health authorities, health professionals, and patients. The NPC also provides training, guidance, and support to the provincial or regional pharmacovigilance centres, public health programs, and product registration holders.”