DRAP Participating in International Med Safety Week 2023 Social Media Campaign

From 6 to 12 November, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) will take part in the global #MedSafetyWeek campaign, a collaboration involving more than 80 medicines regulatory agencies and several non-governmental organizations, to raise awareness about the importance of reporting side effects of medicines. With the theme ‘Who can report?’, this year’s campaign will focus on the key role of every patient, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist who reports a side effect and contributes to using medicines safely.

DRAP seek your support to enhance reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to ensure medicines on the market are acceptably safe.

Reports about side effects can be submitted easily through Med Safety App, DRAP med Vigilance e-reporting system or yellow reporting form.

For detail on how to report visit the link.


Play your part in medicines safety. Whether you’re a patient, doctor, nurse, or pharmacist, you can help make medicines safer by reporting side effects to National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP.

Through the #MedSafetyWeek campaign more than 80 countries will work together to improve the safety of medicines globally

All medicines agencies operate systems to detect and analyse side effects of medicines. The purpose of safety monitoring is to gain more information about known side effects and find out about new ones. Constantly collecting and monitoring information from the reports received helps identify risks associated with medicines and take action to minimise harm.

#MedSafetyWeek is an international campaign of Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC).

The campaign is supported by WHO and by members of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA)

DRAP emphasizes the importance of reporting side effects through Med Safety App, DRAP med Vigilance e-reporting system or yellow reporting form. All reports made to National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) DRAP will be thoroughly assessed and examined to determine the right steps to be taken to protect the population from harm. Since 2018, NPC DRAP has received and processed over 30,000 reports in which patients, carers, and healthcare professionals have played a key role

“Every report is important in building more knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks of medicines in clinical use and allows action to be taken to minimise risks.

“Reporting suspected side effects to the NPC DRAP helps to make medicines safer for patients all around the world. In some cases, it can result in better prescribing advice, which can improve patient outcomes.

“If you, or a patient you are supporting, experience a side effect with a medicine, make sure to report it to us promptly.”


National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP, Pakistan