Last Updated on February 28, 2022
Reporting AEFIs
(Adverse Event Following Immunization)
Adverse events following immunization of COVID-19 vaccines can be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Center, DRAP both by the public and healthcare professionals. National Pharmacovigilance Centre continuously evaluates these reports in order to monitor the safety and effective use of all types of COVID-19 vaccines. Every report is important for us, and reporters are encouraged to provide information as much as possible including the product identification while reporting.
However, National Pharmacovigilance Centre cannot provide clinical advice on individual cases. Your healthcare professionals (Physicians, Pharmacists, etc.) can provide you further guidance and information in this regard.
To report a suspected adverse reaction or side effect to a COVID-19 vaccine, you may report through simplified reporting through National immunization management system or can directly report to DRAP by our online Med Vigilance E Reporting System, or using our MedSafety Mobile Application.
For further information on reporting of adverse events of therapeutic products, you may navigate to or section on How to Report Adverse Events?
This video illustrates on how to use Med Safety Mobile Application, and how to fill and report the adverse event or side effect.