Switch over from Web Based One Customs (WEBOC) to Pakistan Single Window (PSW) for submission and issuance of all types Drug Import Licenses (DILs) and issuance of electronic release orders through PSW’s Single Declaration (SD) system.

We are pleased to announce that, effective October 8, 2024, the clearance of commercial imports (HC type) of all commodities (Drugs) requiring a Drug Import License (DIL) mandated by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) being imported at customs stations of Peshawar and Islamabad are being switched from WeBOC to PSW system. All the DRAP-related commodities (Drugs) will be completely shifted over to PSW, and clearance will be subject to the electronic issuance of a Release Order by DRAP through the filing of a Single Declaration (SD) on all customs stations located in Peshawar and Islamabad.

All traders/importers engaged in the import of these commodities falling under the purview of DRAP are informed to file Single Declaration (Imports) through PSW System for issuance of electronic Release Order from DRAP and Customs clearance of their import consignments w.e.f. 08th October 2024.