On 28th September, 2022; The meeting of Core Team of National Task Force for Eradication of Spurious and Unregistered Therapeutic Goods held on 28th September, 2022 at DRAP, HQ Islamabad. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) chaired the meeting of Core Team for the National Task Force in light of the recommendation of Senate’s Standing Committee on Ministry of National Health Service, Regulation & Coordination (M/o NHSR&C) today at the DRAP Head Quarters, Islamabad. The Director of Quality Assurance & Lab Testing, DRAP, Director of Licensing, DRAP and All the Chiefs of Drug Inspectorates from across the Pakistan attended the meeting. The CEO, DRAP emphasized on enhancing the collaboration among federal and provincial inspectorate of drugs for market surveillance, ensuring the availability of life saving medicines and mitigation of shortage of medicines. The CEO, DRAP further added the measures to control overpricing and particularly the products for public health emergencies should be focused upon. Rapid Alert System for immediate eradication of substandard and falsified product posing high level threats and effective recalls of defective therapeutic goods were deliberated upon in details. Finally, the communication mechanism for National Task Force was discussed in detail and agreed upon by the participants.
National Task Force (NTF) for Eradication of Spurious and Unregistered Therapeutic goods; CEO DRAP Chaired the meeting of NTF Core Team