Rapid Alert: Drug Product Recall: Incidents of loss and damage of vision with the off-label use of Avastin 100mg/4ml injection

Information Update on 3rd Nov, 2023: The recall of Avastin 100mg/4ml has been terminated based on the report of Central Drugs Laboratory, Karachi which declared the samples as of standard quality.

Rapid Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo  I/S/09-24-36
Action DateSeptember 24, 2023
Target Audience1. Ophthalmologists and Endocrinologists
2. Healthcare Professionals – Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
3. Regulatory Field Force.
4. General Public
Problem StatementIncidents of loss of vision in diabetic patients have been reported following treatment with Altered/Dispensed/Diluted Avastin injection. This product is approved by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) to treat Colorectal and other metastatic carcinomas. The use of this drug product in diabetic retinopathy or other ophthalmic conditions is one of the off-label uses and is not approved by DRAP.

The incident is linked with the alteration/dispensing/dilution and sale of Avastin 100mg/4mL Injection under unhygienic/non-sterile conditions illegally and without any Drug Sale/Dispensing License (DSL) from Provincial Health Authority by M/s Genius Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Lahore.
Threats to Public HealthAvastin is a registered drug of M/s. Roche Pharma in Pakistan and is available in strength of 100mg/4ml and 400mg/16ml preparations. This drug is indicated for the treatment of colorectal and other metastatic carcinomas as a VGRF (vascular endothelial growth factor) inhibitor.

However, the use in diabetic retinopathy is an off-label use to block the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eye. Since this drug was being dispensed/diluted/repacked in 1.25mg/0.05ml dose under unhygienic conditions and in an unapproved manner, therefore, its safety cannot be ascertained which may lead to damage and loss of vision in the patients.

The product identification details are as under: –

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

Following is the detail of the alleged product:

Product InvolvedManufacturer
Inj. Avastin 1.25 mg/0.05ml

Composition: Bevacizumab
Registration No. Nil
Genius Advanced
Pharmaceutical Services.
Un-registered Product

Following is the detail of DRAP approved product:

Product NameSuspected BatchManufacturer/Importer
Avastin 100mg/4ml Injection

Composition: Bevacizumab
Registration No. 043004
M/s Roche Diagnostics, Germany

M/s Roche Pharma, Karachi.
Registered Product
Action InitiatedThe Regulatory field force raided the premises of M/s Genius Advanced Pharmaceutical Services, Lahore, involved in the repacking and dispensing of Avastin injection under unhygienic/non-sterile conditions. The premises have been sealed and legal proceedings have been initiated against the personnel involved.

The Importer of the registered product has been directed to recall the suspected batches of Avastin 100mg injection from the marked immediately. The sale/distribution of registered Avastin Injection has been put on halt till verification of its quality through sampling and laboratory testing to safeguard public health. Healthcare Professionals, Pharmacists and Chemists have been directed to stop the distribution, dispensing and administration of this product immediately, and check their stocks and stop supplying this product. The remaining stocks should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/company.
Advice for Healthcare Professionals-DRAP requests increased vigilance at hospitals and within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities regarding the off-label use of this product.

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of these products shall be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for ConsumersPatients should not use this product for any ophthalmic disease and should contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problem related to taking or using this drug product, and should report the incident to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan / National Pharmacovigilance Centre.

All therapeutic goods must be obtained from licensed pharmacies and other authorized/licensed retail outlets. The authenticity and condition of products should be carefully checked. Seek advice from your pharmacists or other healthcare professionals in case of any doubt.

Rapid Alert; Drug Product: Unregistered and Falsified Immune globulin Products (Hyp-Rho-D and RhoColne Injections)

Rapid Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo  I/S/09-23-35
Action DateSeptember 22, 2023
Target Audience1. Regulatory Field Force
2. Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies, and Medical Stores
3. Healthcare Professionals- Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses at hospitals and clinics etc.
4. General Public
Problem StatementThe Regulatory field force has Identified two spurious brands of Anti-D immunoglobulin injections in the market which are not legally imported into Pakistan.

The identified brands include Hyp-Rho-D purported to be manufactured by M/s. Woolmar Chemical Corporation USA and distributed by M/s. Zaryab Traders Lahore, and Rhocolone® 300 mcg purported to be manufactured by M/s. Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited, India.

The manufacturer and stated distributor of Hyp-Rho-D injection is unknown and has no legal status in the supply chain of drugs.

Secondly, the authorized distributor of M/s. Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited India i.e. M/s. Hakimsons (impex) (Private) Ltd., Karachi have informed us that their principal company has not supplied any batch of product Rhocolne 300mcg to Pakistan.

The product details are as under: –

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

SrProduct NameCompositionBatch #Mfg. DateExp. DateManufactured by
(as stated on the label)
1Hyp-Rho-D Injection
Registration No: Nil
Rho (D) immunoglobulin (Human) for injection09181943Jan-2025M/s. Woolmar Chemical Corporation, USA.

Importer / Distributor:
Ms. Zaryab Traders Lahore.
2Rhocolne 300mcg Injection

Registration No: Nil
Rho (D) immunoglobulin (Human) for injection39VAN006505.11.202205.11.2022Bharat Serums & Vaccines Limited, India.
Fig.1. Images of Falsified Hyp-Rho D Injection
Fig. 2. Images of Falsified Rhoclone Injection
Risk Statement:The product claimed to contain immune globulin (anti-D immune globulin or RhIG), which is a commercial biological antibody derived from human plasma that targets red blood cells (RBCs) positive for the Rh (D) antigen (also referred to as the D antigen). It is used to treat immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in patients with Rh-positive blood. Both of these products are unregistered which infers that the quality and safety attributes of the product are not accepted and approved by DRAP. Unregistered Injectable products may cause severe and lethal adverse effects as the safety and quality attributes of the product are unknown.
Action InitiatedThe Regulatory Field Force has been directed to increase surveillance throughout the supply chain to confiscate these products. All Pharmacists, chemists, and other healthcare professionals working at distributions, pharmacies, healthcare facilities, and other aspects of the supply chain system should immediately check the stock, and information related to the supplier of such products should be provided to the Regulatory field force (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments and States) to ensure the removal of this product.
Advice for Healthcare Professionals-DRAP requests increased vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by these products.

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of these products shall be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for ConsumersConsumers should not use these products and should contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem related to taking or using these products and should report the incident to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan / National Pharmacovigilance Centre.

All therapeutic goods must be obtained from licensed pharmacies and other authorized/licensed retail outlets. The authenticity and condition of products should be carefully checked. Seek advice from your pharmacists or other healthcare professionals in case of any doubt.

Recall Alert: Drug Product; Pedolil 250mg/5mL Suspension (Batch # 167) by M/S. JASM Pharmaceutical (Pvt.) Ltd., Risalpur.

Recall Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo II/S/08-23-32
Action Date18th Sep, 2023
Target Audience· Healthcare Professionals particularly working in hospitals; Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
· Procurement Officers at Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions.
· Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies and Medical Stores.
Problem / Issue

Therapeutic Good(s) Affected: –

Product NamesCompositionBatch No Manufacturer
Pedolil 250mg/5mL
Reg No. 110389
Batch No 167
Mfg. date 05.2023
Exp. date 04.2025
Ms. JASM Pharmaceutical
(Pvt.) Ltd., Risalpur
Risk Statement:Paracetamol suspension is used for mild to moderate pain and fever. Inaccurate use of the product may lead to adverse reactions including but not limited to following:
·         Blood disorders, such as thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.
·         Liver and kidney damage.
Impact of use of substandard product on basis of deliverable volume may leads to non- uniformity of dose and may alter therapeutic effect.
Action Initiated-The manufacturer has been directed to immediately recall the defective batch of product from the market. All pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and pharmacies should immediately check their stocks and stop supplying this batch of product. The remaining stock should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/ company. The regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP and Provincial Health Departments) should also increase surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective products(s).

-Distributors and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected batch of the product(s) in the supply chain to the DRAP using the online form, or through phone at +92 51 910 73 17, or by Email at gsmsdra.gov.pk.

-Regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) has also increased the surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective product(s).
Advice for Healthcare ProfessionalsDRAP requests to enhance vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by this defective batch of the product.  

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with this product may be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre(NPC), DRAP using the
Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for Consumers-Consumers should stop using this product bearing the affected batch number(s). They shall contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem that may be related to using this product.

-All therapeutic products must be obtained from authorized licensed pharmacies /outlets. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. If you have any doubts, please seek advice from your pharmacist.

Recall Alert: Drug Product; Comycetin 0.5% Eye Drops (Batch # CYF003) by M/S. Nabiqasim Industries (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi

Recall Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo II/S/08-23-33
Action Date18th Sep, 2023
Target Audience· Healthcare Professionals particularly working in hospitals; Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
· Procurement Officers at Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions.
· Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies and Medical Stores.
Problem / Issue

Therapeutic Good(s) Affected: –

Product NamesCompositionBatch No Manufacturer
Comycetin 0.5% Eye Drop
Reg No. 003682

ChloramphenicolBatch No CYF003
Mfg date 02.2023
Exp date 02.2025
Ms. Nabiqasim Industries
(Pvt.) Ltd., Karachi
Risk Statement:Chloramphenicol is used to treat bacterial eye infections. The impact of use of the substandard product may lead to sub-optimal to no therapeutic effect and may intensify/flare the existing bacterial infection along with the development of Bacterial resistance.
Action Initiated-The manufacturer has been directed to immediately recall the defective batch of product from the market. All pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and pharmacies should immediately check their stocks and stop supplying this batch of product. The remaining stock should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/ company. The regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP and Provincial Health Departments) should also increase surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective products(s).

-Distributors and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected batch of the product(s) in the supply chain to the DRAP using the online form, or through phone at +92 51 910 73 17, or by Email at gsmsdra.gov.pk.

-Regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) has also increased the surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective product(s).
Advice for Healthcare ProfessionalsDRAP requests to enhance vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by this defective batch of the product.  

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with this product may be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre(NPC), DRAP using the
Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for Consumers-Consumers should stop using this product bearing the affected batch number(s). They shall contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem that may be related to using this product.

-All therapeutic products must be obtained from authorized licensed pharmacies /outlets. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. If you have any doubts, please seek advice from your pharmacist.

Recall Alert: Drug Product; Kemygyl 200mg/5mL oral Suspension (Batch # M-319) by M/s. Alkemy Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd, Hyderabad

Recall Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo II/S/08-23-31
Action Date08th Sep, 2023
Target Audience· Healthcare Professionals particularly working in hospitals; Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
· Procurement Officers at Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions.
· Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies and Medical Stores.
Problem / Issue The Provincial Government Analyst/Director, Drug Testing Laboratory, Karachi has declared the Batch No. M-319 of Kemygyl Suspension as of substandard quality sampled by Provincial Inspector of Drugs Jamshoro.

Therapeutic Good(s) Affected: –

Product NamesCompositionBatch No Manufacturer
Kemygyl Suspension 200mg/5ml

MetronidazoleBatch No M-3019
Mfg date 09.2022
Exp date 08.2024
Ms. Alkemy Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt.) Ltd, Hyderabad.
Risk Statement:Metronidazole Oral Suspension is indicated in the prophylaxis and treatment of infections in which anaerobic bacteria have been identified or suspected. Use of substandard products may lead to suboptimal to no-therapeutic effects and may contribute to drug resistance, and can also intensify/exacerbate the existing bacterial infection.
Action Initiated-The manufacturer has been directed to immediately recall the defective batch of product from the market. All pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and pharmacies should immediately check their stocks and stop supplying this batch of product. The remaining stock should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/ company. The regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP and Provincial Health Departments) should also increase surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective products(s).

-Distributors and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected batch of the product(s) in the supply chain to the DRAP using the online form, or through phone at +92 51 910 73 17, or by Email at gsmsdra.gov.pk.

-Regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) has also increased the surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective product(s).
Advice for Healthcare ProfessionalsDRAP requests to enhance vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by this defective batch of the product.  

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with this product may be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre(NPC), DRAP using the
Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for Consumers-Consumers should stop using this product bearing the affected batch number(s). They shall contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem that may be related to using this product.

-All therapeutic products must be obtained from authorized licensed pharmacies /outlets. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. If you have any doubts, please seek advice from your pharmacist.

Rapid Alert; Drug Product: Falsified Defitelio 80mg/mL Injection identified in Neighboring Countries

Rapid Alert

Falsified Defitelio 80mg/mL Injection
(Updated form WHO)

DRAP Alert NoNo  I/S/09-23-44
Action DateSeptember 08, 2023
Target Audience1. Regulatory Field Force.
2. Healthcare Professionals – Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
3. General Public.
Problem StatementWHO has informed regarding the presence of a falsified batch of DEFITELIO (defibrotide sodium) Lot No. 20G20A detected in India (April 2023) and Türkiye (July 2023) and was supplied outside of regulated and authorized channels. This product is not registered in Pakistan however, due to its detection in the neighboring countries, it is highly likely that this product can infiltrate the Pakistani market.
DEFITELIO (defibrotide) is indicated for the treatment of severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD) also known as sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS) in hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) therapy. It is indicated for adults, adolescents, children and infants over 1 month of age. VOD is a condition in which the veins in the liver become blocked and stops the liver from working correctly.
The genuine manufacturer of DEFITELIO has confirmed that the product referenced in this Alert is falsified. The genuine manufacturer has advised that:
·         Genuine DEFITELIO with Lot 20G20A was packaged in German/Austrian packaging.
·         The falsified products instead are in UK/Ireland packaging.
·         The stated expiry date is falsified and does not comply with the registered shelf life.
·         The stated serial number is not associated with batch 20G20A.
·         DEFITELIO does not have marketing authorization in India and Türkiye.

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

SrProduct NameCompositionBatch/Lot #Mfg. DateExp. DateManufactured by
(as stated on label)
1DEFITELIO 80 mg/mL concentrate for solution for infusion
Defibrotide20G20AAug-2024Gentium Srl
(UK/ Ireland packaging)
Threats to Public HealthThe use of falsified DEFITELIO will result in the ineffective treatment of patients and may pose other serious risks to health because of its intravenous administration and could be life-threatening in some circumstances. Moreover, the safety, sterility, and quality of the falsified products referenced in this alert are also unknown.
Action InitiatedThe Regulatory Field Force has been directed to increase surveillance throughout the supply chain system including healthcare facilities to confiscate/seize this product from the market without any delay. Since this product is not registered with DRAP, it is not permitted to be stocked or sold in pharmacies or other retail outlets. However, it is crucial for all healthcare professionals, including pharmacists and chemists, to check their stock immediately and stop the distribution or supply of this product if it is found. Information related to the supplier of this product should be provided to the Regulatory field force (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) to ensure the removal of this product.
Advice for Healthcare Professionals-DRAP requests increased vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by these batches of the above-mentioned products.

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product shall be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for ConsumersConsumers should not use this product and shall contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problem related to taking or using this drug product and should report the incident to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan / National Pharmacovigilance Centre.

All therapeutic goods must be obtained from licensed pharmacies and other authorized/licensed retail outlets. The authenticity and condition of products should be carefully checked. Seek advice from your pharmacists or other healthcare professionals in case of any doubt.

Pictures of Defiiteli 80mg/mL injection identified as falsified Product

Pictures of Falsified Defitelio 80mg/mL Injection identified in Türkiye

Recall Alert: Drug Product; Plivil 25mg Injection (Batch # 847) by M/s. Pliva Pakistan, (Pvt) Ltd, Baluchistan

Recall Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo I/S/08-23-22
Action Date06th Sep, 2023
Target Audience· Healthcare Professionals particularly working in hospitals; Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
· Procurement Officers at Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions.
· Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies and Medical Stores.
Problem / Issue The Secretary, PQCB Baluchistan has informed DRAP that samples of Plivil Injection (Batch No. 847) manufactured by M/s. Pliva Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., B-77, Lasbella Industrial Estate, Baluchistan, has been analyzed by the Government Analyst, Drug Testing Laboratory (DTL), Baluchistan, Quetta and declared as Adulterated and misbranded based on analysis.

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

Product NamesCompositionBatch No Manufacturer
Plivil 25mg/ml Injection

Reg No 021513
Pheniramine Maleate
Batch No 847
Mfg date 02.2023
Exp date 02.2025
M/s. Pliva Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., Baluchistan.
Risk Statement:Presence of foreign particles may interact within the injectable solution and may change the chemical consistency of the solution. If injected, they can cause inflammation, tissue damage, or allergic or immunogenic reactions. Additionally, unclear labels on the drug products may create difficulty in reading and understanding of drugs and may lead to medication errors such as taking the wrong medication or the wrong dose.
Action Initiated-The manufacturer has been directed to immediately recall the defective batch of product from the market. All pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and pharmacies should immediately check their stocks and stop supplying this batch of product. The remaining stock should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/ company. The regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP and Provincial Health Departments) should also increase surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective products(s).

-Distributors and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected batch of the product(s) in the supply chain to the DRAP using the online form, or through phone at +92 51 910 73 17, or by Email at gsmsdra.gov.pk.

-Regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) has also increased the surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective product(s).
Advice for Healthcare ProfessionalsDRAP requests to enhance vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by this defective batch of the product.  

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with this product may be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre(NPC), DRAP using the
Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for Consumers-Consumers should stop using this product bearing the affected batch number(s). They shall contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem that may be related to using this product.

-All therapeutic products must be obtained from authorized licensed pharmacies /outlets. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. If you have any doubts, please seek advice from your pharmacist.

Rapid Alert; Drug Product: Unregistered and Falsified Hyp-Rho-D injection (Rho(D) immune globulin Injection

Rapid Alert

Unregistered and Falsified Hyp-Rho-D injection (Rho(D) immune globulin Injection

DRAP Alert NoNo  I/S/08-23-30
Action DateAugust 02, 2023
Target Audience1. Regulatory Field Force
2. Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies, and Medical Stores
3. Healthcare Professionals- Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses at hospitals and clinics etc.
4. General Public
Problem StatementThe Provincial Inspector of Drugs in Mansehra obtained a sample of the Hyp-Rho-D Injection from M/s. Abdullah Medical Store, located inside the Naseem Surgical Center, Upper Chennai Abbottabad Road, Mansehra. This particular product is not registered with the DRAP and is suspected to be falsified.
The product detail as under: –

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

SrProduct NameCompositionBatch #Mfg. DateExp. DateManufactured by
(as stated on label)
1Hyp-Rho-D Injection
Registration No: Nil
Rho (D) immunoglobulin (Human) for injection09181943Aug-2024M/s. Woolmar Chemical Corporation, USA.

Importer / Distributor:
Ms. Zaryab Traders Lahore.
The product is not registered and is also suspected to be falsified.
Risk Statement:The product claimed to contain immune globulin (anti-D immune globulin or RhIG), which is a commercial biological antibody derived from human plasma that targets red blood cells (RBCs) positive for the Rh (D) antigen (also referred to as the D antigen). It is used to treat immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in patients with Rh-positive blood. The claimed product is unregistered which infers that the quality and safety attributes of the product are not accepted and approved by DRAP. Unregistered Injectable products may cause severe and lethal adverse effects as the safety and quality attributes of the product are unknown.
Action InitiatedThe Regulatory Field Force has been directed to increase surveillance throughout the supply chain to confiscate the product. All Pharmacists, chemists, and other healthcare professionals working at distributions, pharmacies, healthcare facilities, and other aspects of the supply chain system should immediately check the stock, and information related to the supplier of such products should be provided to the Regulatory field force (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments and States) to ensure the removal of this product.
Advice for Healthcare Professionals-DRAP requests increased vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by these batches of the above-mentioned products.

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product shall be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for ConsumersConsumers should not use this product and shall contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problem related to taking or using this drug product and should report the incident to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan / National Pharmacovigilance Centre.

All therapeutic goods must be obtained from licensed pharmacies and other authorized/licensed retail outlets. The authenticity and condition of products should be carefully checked. Seek advice from your pharmacists or other healthcare professionals in case of any doubt.

Rapid Alert: Medical Devices; Unregistered Intravenous Medical Devices in the market

Rapid Alert

Unregistered Intravenous Medical Devices in the Market

DRAP Alert NoNo  I/S/08-23-31
Action Date10th August 2023
Target Audience1. Regulatory Field Force
2. Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies, and Medical Stores
3. Healthcare Professionals- Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses at hospitals and clinics etc.
4. General Public
Problem StatementThe Medical Device Rules 2017 provides the regulatory framework for medical devices in the country. SRO 224(I)/2023 dated 27-02-2023 extended the transition period for the registration of medical devices to licensed importers and manufacturers as per risk-based classifications. However, medical devices specified in Schedule D and E of this SRO are always mandatory to be registered with DRAP before marketing in the country. DRAP has received reports/complaints that some unregistered medical devices (e.g., IV cannulas, infusion sets, syringes, etc.) are being proliferated in the open market.

The product detail as under: –

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

SrProduct NameManufacturer/importer
(as stated on label)
Illustration of unregistered medical devices
1Euro Plus Infusion SetApex Medical Devices

2Chiron Infusion SetNot mentioned
3Health Plus Infusion SetNot mentioned
4O’Divine Infusion SetNot mentioned
5Cath-Tec I.V CannulaNilhol Enterprises
East Lane Business Park Wemby, UK
6Healthflon I.V. CannulaHealthylife medical equipment Trading,
Alfajar Business Centre, airport road, Dubai, UAE
Risk Statement:The use of unregistered medical devices poses significant risks to patients as they may not meet the necessary standards of safety, quality, and performance. Such medical devices can be nonsterile, or their sterility can be compromised from damage during shipping and storage. The hazards associated with the use of unregistered medical device includes inaccurate or unreliable results, Infection or other adverse reactions, Failure of the device’s intended purpose, and Injury or death.
Action InitiatedThe Regulatory Field Force has been directed to increase the surveillance activities at Health facilities (Hospitals) in addition to markets and confiscate these products where available. All Pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and Pharmacies should immediately check the stock and stop supplying these products. Any remaining stock should be quarantined immediately, and supplier(s) information should be provided to the Regulatory field force (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) in order to ensure the removal of these unregistered products.
Advice for Healthcare Professionals-DRAP requests increased vigilance at hospitals and within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by these products.

-Procurement staff in healthcare settings must obtain the registration status of medical devices falling in schedules D and E of the Medical Device Rules, 2017, from the suppliers. It’s imperative to note that authorized manufacturers and importers hold the exclusive right to provide medical devices in the market.

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product shall be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for ConsumersConsumers should stop using this product and shall contact to their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problems that may be related to taking or using this drug product and report the incident to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan / National Pharmacovigilance Centre.

All therapeutic goods must be obtained from licensed pharmacies and other authorized/licensed retail outlets. The authenticity and condition of products should be carefully checked. Seek advice from your pharmacists or other healthcare professionals in case of any doubt.

Recall Alert: Medical Devices; Disposable Infusion Set by M/s Rehman Rainbow (Pvt), Lahore

Recall Alert

DRAP Alert NoNo I/07-23-28
Action Date27th July, 2023
Target Audience· Healthcare Professionals particularly working in the critical care areas of hospitals including Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
· Procurement Officers at Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions.
· Pharmacists and Chemists at Distribution, Pharmacies and Medical Stores.
Problem / Issue Central Drugs Laboratory, Karachi received samples of Surgee Disposable Infusion Set manufactured by the M/s Rehman Rainbow (Pvt) Ltd , Industrial Estate, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore for testing. CDL has declared the sample as substandard based on the analysis for not complying the sterility criteria. Accordingly, the manufacturing company had been directed to recall all the defective product from the market.

Therapeutic Goods Affected:-

Product NamesProduct DescriptionBatch NoManufacturer
Surgee Disposable Infusion Set

Mfg Lic No 000510
Reg No 071602
Intravenous Infusion setBatch No IV0523
Mfg date 05.2023
Exp 04.2028
M/s Rehman Rainbow (Pvt) Ltd Lahore
Risk Statement:Use of Non sterile IV set poses a serious risk of patient harm and due to non-sterility can lead to bacteremia and sepsis.
Action Initiated-The manufacturing company has initiated a recall of the affected lots of defective products from the market where it was distributed.

-All healthcare professionals working in critical care units of hospitals as well as pharmacists and chemists working at distributions and pharmacies should immediately check their stocks and stop supplying these lots of the product. The remaining stock should be quarantined and returned to the supplier/company.

-Distributors and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected batch of the product(s) in the supply chain to the DRAP using the online form, or through phone at +92 51 910 73 17, or by Email at gsmsdra.gov.pk.

-Regulatory field force of all federating units (DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, and States) has also increased the surveillance in the market to ensure the effective recall of defective product(s).
Advice for Healthcare ProfessionalsDRAP requests to enhance vigilance within the supply chains of institutions/pharmacies/healthcare facilities likely to be affected by these defective lots of the Medical Device.  

-Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with this product may be reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre(NPC), DRAP using Adverse Event Reporting Form or online through this link.

-Please click here for further information on problem reporting to DRAP.
Advice for Consumers-Consumers should stop using this product bearing the affected batch number(s). They shall contact their physician or healthcare provider(s) if they have experienced any problem that may be related to using this Medical Device.

-All therapeutic products must be obtained from authorized licensed pharmacies /outlets. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. If you have any doubts, please seek advice from your pharmacist.